A Single Mom Savors Her Pillow Talk With Heaven

"In prayer you shall perceive ... the way out of every situation that has no exit." 
Medjugorje March 28, 1985

"Do novenas of fasting and renunciation so that satan be far from you and grace be around you"                                                                                                             -  Medjugorje July 25, 2005


We only have a few occasions left to fast before Christmas, only a few occasions to so powerfully impact history, bludgeon evil, bring unique protection upon our families and to help our country at such an important time. You will be amazed when God reveals to you in heaven all of the good that will come from your effort to fast on bread and water today - and Heaven's gratitude for your effort today will be as fresh and enthusiastic in 1,000 years as it will be tonight when the heavenly court sees how you impacted so many lives today. So, thank you for fasting with us today and each week.


Recently one of our colleagues shared with us some of her spiritual experiences and we wanted to share them with you as we found them to be inspirational.


Especially for any single parents you may know, parents who may be feeling particular pressure at this time of year with financial demands, and not knowing which way to turn, you will want to pass on this amazing story.


Know the perspective of our colleague and the first words from her mouth when we asked her to share her spiritual experiences were that it was not possible to recount all that Heaven has done for her but she hoped her experiences may also "help others who find themselves in impossible situations" ...



I was shocked and stunned to find myself a single mom of ten kids after a 27-year marriage ended suddenly and unexpectedly.  


It was difficult to breath, difficult to think, but most difficult to look into my children’s eyes and say everything would be ok knowing everything I had ever known and believed was in ruin. 


How could I go on by myself and provide stability for these souls God had entrusted to me?


All I could do was turn to prayer. 


I found myself reciting familiar prayers that I could repeat without thinking.  The Hail Mary was my go-to.  In God’s great wisdom, He had given me a love for this prayer which He knew would be my saving grace in this time of despair. 


I began to meditate on Mary’s life. 


I started really contemplating what it must have been like for her to find herself pregnant but not married. 


Alone in the world in an impossible situation which she had not chosen. 


Her “Yes” became my inspiration and I began just saying “Yes, Lord, you have the answers”. 


This led me to contemplate Mary’s relationship with St. Joseph.  This man who was seemingly going to turn away from her but instead turned in faith to follow God’s will and became the cornerstone for Mary’s life on earth. 


I was a little jealous of how protected and loved she must have felt once she knew St. Joseph was going to stay with her. 


That’s when she shared a little secret with me- God is a God of abundance. 


There is never a limited supply. 


He gave St. Joseph to Mary as her head of household and confidant, and He was willing to give St. Joseph to me in my time of great need and for the rest of my life as my head of household. 


I began having pillow talk with St. Joseph every night. 


One day, I received five letters from the HOA helping me remember how many things were wrong with my yard.  I really appreciated that reminder ;) 


That night, my pillow talk with him was a simple “ I would normally be very upset and stressed out about these letters but I know you, as head of my household, already have a solution so I will sleep peacefully knowing that you have already handled it.” 


I didn’t tell anyone about the letters. 


Early the next morning, my kids announced that grandma and grandpa were in the driveway.  I wondered why they hadn’t come in the house.  When I went outside to greet them, they had all their yard tools on their golfcart. 


I asked what they were doing, and my dad said that he woke up thinking that my bushes needed to be trimmed and he wanted to help! 


St. Joseph is so generous that he takes care of everything right down to trimming the bushes. 


This is just a small example of how he has taken his role as head of household so faithfully.  Most recently, my job of 13 years was very short on work.  This was affecting my ability to keep up with bills. 


A friend told me another friend was looking for help in real-estate.  I reached out and we played phone tag for a few months.  By the time we were finally able to connect, my job was in over-drive and I could barely keep up with my projects.  I felt I owed my friend the respect to meet with her. 


On my walk to our meeting place, I told St. Joseph all the reasons I should not even take 5 minutes out of my work schedule and that if he wanted me to take this job, he really needed to knock me over the head. 


I ordered a cup of coffee with my friend and started to share my experience in her field and ask what type of help she wanted. 


I was completely shocked and stunned when she told me she was looking for help with St. Joseph Partners! 


God is Faithful in every way, He never just covers one need, He completes the whole picture and showers us in abundant blessings, especially, when we follow Mary’s example of a complete Yes.  




Thank you again for fasting with us today - You will be glad you made the effort for all of eternity. 


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Why We Fast – Our Core Fasting Intentions

1) For the Holy Spirit to reign down upon America renewing our land as the Christian, capitalist meritocracy we were founded to be.

2) For the protection of our police, firefighters, military and their families from harm and that the Lord bless their courageous generosity on our behalf one hundredfold.

3) For the protection of the families who fast with us, and for God’s blessings of abundance upon them and that true to His word, we will be able to witness that He prospered us in famine.

Would you like to learn more about fasting?

We maintain a repository of ideas and information we have learned over the last decade while fasting weekly for America. From scientific studies on the benefits of fasting, to the differences between intermittent dieting vs intermittent fasting, to scriptural references regarding the power of fasting to the history of first century Christians who stated believers are obligated to fast weekly, we hope you will find numerous insights with our free resource located here.

Together let us also implore Heaven while fasting for intentions you have highlighted:

4) For Mike Lindell who is putting himself on the front lines suing over the election fraud that has taken place and for all of the warriors who are stepping up around the nation to fight for the gospel – May The Father cover them in the blood of our savior,  protect them and their families from evil and bring victory to their endeavors.

5) For priests, ministers and all who aspire to lead others to the Lord, that the Holy Spirit will reign down upon them as at Pentecost filling them to overflowing with an understanding of what the Lord wants, courage and the desire to preach what He would have them preach and protection and strength from all evil that comes against them. 

6) For the Americans jailed after January 6th who were admitted to the Capitol building by the police, and who were not found to have destroyed any property at the capitol yet who have been held captive ever since on our own soil - That God's Spirit will move quickly to bring justice back to this land by freeing them while enlightening Americans how to bring God's justice back to our nation.

Who We Are

St. Joseph Partners is a for-profit business that has funded Fast for America for over ten years. To the extent you support our work to renew America and if you understand why gold and silver protect believers' wealth in this world, please consider us or recommend us when you or someone you know buys or sells gold and silver. From our website www.StJosephPartners.com you can buy and sell dozens of types of precious metals. We close on Sundays to honor the Sabbath. Click here for a link where you can view a brief video about our firm and a brief video about why all investors and families should have some gold and silver in their portfolios.

All order up to $20,000 may be placed thru our website. For personalized assistance or to Place orders over $20,000 please contact our customer service team at 610.326.2000