Honoring God The Father
A New Feast
A New Feast
Your Brokerage Firm Doesn't Care What Your Financial Advisor Thinks? Should You?
Valuables missing from Safety Deposit Boxes
Questions To Ask The Person Who sold you an annuity
Thérèse explained that the heart is all that matters to the Lord.
Two speeches emphasize urgency for Americans to decrease dollar allocations
If you believe bitcoin will soar, invest in bitcoin but only with funds that you can afford to lose
Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your sins
Walk In Obedience To Him
The simple truth is that God is not complicated.
Are you Committed?
Blessings await those who follow Him
"I believe, but help my unbelief”
Bread and water fasting is the best fas
"observe July 4th as a day of public thanksgiving and prayer"- President George Washington, 1795
A great albeit unseen victory has occurred for believers this week
Pray and Fasting Prevent War
Heaven is pleading with us to pray at this hour!
... the apostles were fasting ...
The magnitude of this forgiveness is insurmountable-
“Be it done unto me, according to Your will”
Apart from Me You Can Do Nothing
Did we fulfill His expectations?
Mass Conversions in Her Presence
U.S. retail sales unexpectedly struggled in April, revealing a potential decrease in consumer spending, a crucial component of economic growth.
The Monetary Metals Tax Neutrality Act
Mary Our Mother
Navigating Economic Shifts and Financial Uncertainties
A prayer of healing, peace, and joy
This is a test weekly article
“Infallible” science is proven not so infallible
The Feast Of St. Joseph
Our help is in the name of the Lord.
Are We On Dip Four: 1929, 1974, 2008, 2024?
Our help is in the name of the Lord
Tech Stocks Had Their Worst Week
Days of Blessing
An Extraordinary Visitor
Gold & Silver Continue to Trend Higher
Gold is Shining Brighter Than Stocks in 2024
Time To Feast!
Grace is spreading throughout the world
Prayer of an Exorcist
Take Mary Into Your Heart and Home
a chart showing a potential rise in silver prices to over $40 per oz
Do This In Memory Of Me
A Weed Among The Wheat
Resting In Abraham's Arms
A Pastor's Death Experience
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Therefore confess your sins to each other - James 5:16
What are your gods?
Why do we need Lent?
Carefully Disguised Overcharges
God Reaching Out
Thank you for your fasting effort!
Americans are realizing they need to do something
This is a 72 hour fast – a 72 step mountain to climb
Countries and Institutions Distance Themselves From The Dollar
“you have despised me” – 2 Sam 12:10
“What should we call you"
Jesus Rounds
Acts 22: Why Do You Wait?
"always has been and always will be full of grace … lacking nothing"
Top Three Reasons to Own Gold
Whoever says to the guilty, You are innocent, will be cursed
He died just so He could see you face to face in paradise.
Record Year in tTerms of Central Bank Purchases of Gold
Joy in Love
Do Not Be Lukewarm
The timing of this feast may be more than coincidental with our Father who is a God of great precision.
A Man, a Woman, and A Sawmill
Just the Beginning
He Desires To Nourish You
Gold closed above $2,000 for the first time in history
Our Little Lent
Where Does That Black Friday Buy Take You?
Make Haste!
Confidence in the security and stability of the U.S. dollar is falling.
Push Forward With Bold Enthusiasm
U.S. Treasury struggles to sell bonds as planned - forced to pay a higher than targeted coupon.
Yours was the faith that evil aimed to destroy.
U.S. Treasury forced to pay a higher than targeted coupon
Making Excuses
"In three years, you need another $100,000 to have the same purchasing power."
If the vine is pagan, the fruit cannot be holy.
US Treasury Bond and Dollar Lose Their Strategic Importance To The World
St. Joseph Partners Recognized For Integrity of Service
What Happened 100 years Ago?
Iconic Patriotic Coin
Can music heal?
What are we spending more time on, focusing on war or focusing on Jesus?
Where do Justice and Mercy intersect?
75,000 conversions in five minutes
Rev. Blount’s claim is extraordinary – that this prayer blinds evil.
"You are [easily] deceived, because you don't know the scriptures or the power of God."
Rebuild His House
Fasting is a Powerful Weapon in the Spiritual Battle
Mary's Greatness
Amend, Forgive, and Do Not Offend Our Lord
How many have been canceled for speaking the Truth?
He still turns water into wine
A miracle to rival Guadalupe
Signs and Wonders
A great sign appeared
The power of water in scripture
Yesterday was the day Catholics celebrated the death of the mother of Jesus. Catholics and some other faiths believe Mary was then taken body and soul into heaven at the end of her days here.
The most studied New Testament passage throughout the world today was from 2 Corinthians 9, and began with verse six:
In our previous reminders, we have talked about the first rank of angels-the Seraphim, the Cherubim, and the Thrones- as well as the second rank- the Dominions, Virtues, and Powers.
For many people, stories about angels are lovely and mysterious, while ideas of demons seem a bit too radical and perhaps a little nutty.
Every Wednesday and Friday when we fast, we are engaging in the spiritual battle. Although we are unable to see beyond the veil most of the time, we know that God created not only this material world,
The extraordinary photo above by Leonardo Sens was reportedly years in the planning for a few seconds of opportunity.
Years ago we heard of an unorthodox conversion story in a New York City cab. The speaker was a highly successful entrepreneur who had just piled into his cab when he immediately noticed
Yesterday, the most widely studied passage from the Old Testament was from Genesis 45. In the chapter Joseph, who blessed his nation with an abundance of food while the rest of the world was starving,
Let us recall a story in the Old Testament book of Ezra in which fasting plays a pivotal role. Ezra was a scribe and a Jewish exile who had been living in Babylon.
Last month heaven gave two statements for the world from Medjugorje. Medjugorje has been the catalyst of more conversions to Jesus than any geography in our lifetimes, or any movement in our
Thank you to everyone who is making an effort on our incremental Fast for America as we start our third and final day.
Thank you to everyone who fasts with us throughout the year and thank you to those of you who have willingly chosen to fast with us these three days leading up to Independence Day.
Thank you to all who are joining us today as we offer an incremental three day Fast for America leading up to the celebration of the birth of our Republic.
First we would like to invite you to join us for an extra three day fast for the restoration of America to the Christian Republic it was founded to be and for the restoration of the church
Virtually every believer in America is looking at events as they are unfolding, and we are asking ourselves the same question as the apostles did.
What a gift it is when the readings of the day in the Church line up with our fasting day.
Please recall that we are fasting Thursday instead of Friday this week as Friday is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
Please take note that since Friday is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, we will be fasting Wednesday and Thursday this week, reserving Friday for feasting and celebrating Christ’s profound love
Please recall that we are fasting Thursday instead of Friday this week as Friday is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
Following up on our theme of science proving the existence of God, let us note an extraordinary discovery at Northwestern University in 2016.
Last Friday’s Fasting Reminder delved into the refreshing topic of real science.
The following reminder was written for last Friday but as many did not receive it due to technical issues, we are resending it. Thank you...
Faith and Football
We have been having technical difficulties getting our reminders out and getting them to our entire distribution. Apologies if your Fasting Reminders have not been reaching you.
Last December, St. Joseph Partners celebrated our company Christmas party in Dallas and while there the team visited Watermark Church.
This week is one of the most special in the year. We are in the midst of the nine days leading up to this Sunday’s feast of Pentecost, the day that changed everything.
Last weekend we had the chance to attend three separate Methodist services at different churches.
The Apostolic Fast of Wednesdays and Fridays
Today, the most studied New Testament scripture in the world is from Acts 15. It portrays Paul’s debate on the lack of need to circumcise believers.
Imagine for a moment, if you will, having the ability to visualize all your sins- all of them- your whole life’s accumulation- as a toxic concoction, like something from a movie scene
We wanted to forward you an incredible profile in courage that we hope will be uplifting to you. We hope this will become a story in which you can participate in the next two weeks.
666. Recognized the world over as the sign of evil. There is only one chapter and verse 6:66 and the entire New Testament.
Today, the most widely studied New Testament passage in the world was from 1 Peter and included 1 Peter 5:8
One of the biggest surprises for us over the past year has been the amount of pushback we have received over the power of the scripturally based idea of confession.
Dear Sisters and Brothers, we welcome you back from the Easter Octave. Our Orthodox brothers and sisters use the greeting:
As dawn breaks on Good Friday, join us as we endeavor to stretch and have nothing to eat and nothing to drink today.
As Holy Week ramps up, thank you for fasting with us.
The Old Testament book of Zechariah the prophet has several wonderful pearls for those of us fasters who are always seeking to learn more about fasting.
As we head in Palm Sunday this weekend, we thought you may be uplifted by this podcast titled, Can I get an Amen?
In Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verse 3, the scripture says of the Israelites,
Thank you again to everyone who endeavored to join us on our Esther Fast last week.
Thank you to all who endeavored to offer a particularly challenging fast to the Lord with us this week.
Thank you to everyone who is fasting with us today!
Weekly fasting as first century Christians fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays is not a big sacrifice at all.
Weekly fasting as first century Christians fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays is not a big sacrifice at all.
Last week, a client who we have known well for 10 years to the point of traveling together internationally opened up to us about a page from his life story that we never heard before.
Last month Matthew Please, founder of Chicago’s www.TheCatholicCPA.com, published “The Definitive Guide to Catholic Fasting and Abstinence”. Today’s Fasting Reminder was written by Matthew…
Below please find a link to a video replay of a recent service at Asbury University. This is the service that still has not finished and that started the amazing revival now spreading
Do you ever wonder if your prayers have been heard? Does prayer seem like a one-way conversation with silence on the other end?
Not long ago, we highlighted the experience of a Colombian doctor, who was struck by lightning and died a horrific death.
Many of you saw the 2021 movie The Jesus Music.
On this day where the world tries to find love, it is so good to know we serve the King of Hearts who has such wonderful plans in store for those who love Him.
Surely the gospel of grace is true. By His death for us, all of our sins can be overcome and we can gain eternal life.
It is good for us to study the enemy and be cognizant of evil’s strategies so that we may recognize its efforts to ruin everything dear to you.
On Tuesday the most widely studied gospel passage in the world was nothing short of spectacular.
Last Saturday, the most studied New Testament passage in the world was from Hebrews 11. Consider what was on the Spirit’s mind…
Whenever a preacher opens his mouth to speak, his prayer life, or lack of it, is on display.
We all hopefully know that fasting is an adjunct to prayer, not the other way around. Prayer does not supercharge fasting; fasting supercharges prayer.
How many people have you met who when you ask them about faith say something like: “I live my life by the golden rule.”At first blush, who could argue with that?
Thank you to each of you who fast with us weekly. Tomorrow is another exciting opportunity to bludgeon evil by means of our fasting.
The 13th marks the date of arguably God's greatest intervention in the history of humanity.
Thank you to each of you who join with us and fast each week for the restoration of America and for the protection of our gallant military, police and firefighters.
Thank you to all of the patriots and believers who fast with us regularly and for the newcomers who are joining us for this week’s three day fast.
Sunday marked the end of the Christmas Octave with a feast on every day: feasts commemorating St Stephen the first Martyr, St John the apostle, and the Holy Martyrs who died in the manhunt for the ba
Today is the last fast of this Advent season and for all of 2022. Given how special Christmas is, the Christmas and Easter Octaves are the two weeks each year where we do not fast for the Lord –
Thank you so much for fasting with us. Our Lord who has done everything possible for us longs to hear from us during this wonderful advent season.
Did you wonder about Sunday's gospel reading regarding John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-11)?
We only have a few occasions left to fast before Christmas, only a few occasions to so powerfully impact history, bludgeon evil, bring unique protection upon our families and to help our country
Sunday’s Advent scripture reading brought us once again to the powerful figure of John the Baptist, the faster among fasters.
Today the most studied gospel passage in the world were these three brief lines:
If your day was like ours, today was largely an exercise in frustration, including sending this reminder out with embarrassing lateness…
Each year when Advent rolls around, Christians are given the opportunity to reanchor themselves to the liturgical year instead of the secular celebrations of a premature commercial Christmas completel
Thank you to all who are joining us in fasting this last day before tomorrow’s Thanksgiving feast.
Per our reminder on Friday, this week we will be fasting today and tomorrow instead of the usual Wednesday and Fridays given the Thanksgiving Feast, perhaps our most special American tradition.
Earlier this week, the most studied New Testament passage in the world was from Revelation 3.
Corrie ten Boom has long been honored by evangelical Christians as an exemplar of Christian faith in action.
Praised be Jesus! Thank you for all of your efforts. The finish line is now within hours, concluding our special three-day fast for America.
Your fast is accomplishing so much and midday today marks the halfway point of our spiritual climb!
Praised be Jesus! As we write this today, we are coming up to high noon on the West Coast so most of America is now halfway through the first day of our incremental three-day fast for America ahead
Inflection points in history require that citizens step up with greater effort with physical as well as spiritual actions.
While we are fasting tomorrow the most studied gospel passage in the world will be one of scripture's most extraordinary, the resurrection of Lazarus.
This week we received a report from a young mother and wanted to share her inspiring and wonderful story with you…
Do we need any more evidence that Jesus honors those who revere and honor His mother?
Continuing our theme of the power of the Most Holy Rosary, we bring you a most incredible story about how simply holding the rosary saved the life of a college girl.
During October, the Month of the Rosary, it seems fitting that we underscore again the importance of this thousand year old prayer.
As Christians look at the news, one would be hard pressed to think of anything the democrats are doing that isn’t a conscious and well executed strategy to advance evil’s agenda and the destruction of
Father Michael Schmitz whose video we shared with you recently made a comment that with some embarrassment, we had not thought of before.
Today, October 7th marks the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, commemorating the miraculous defeat of the Muslims who desired to crush Christianity, aka Western Civilization, and all of Europe in 1571.
Last week the most studied Old Testament passages were several readings from the book of Job.
Thank you all for fasting with us and praying with us. Let us continue to pray for believers and patriots in Florida in the wake of the hurricane.
Thank you to those who fast weekly with us. Many have been fasting regularly for years, while others have just started.
In the 2000-year history of Christianity, many good traditions which have faded are enjoying a renaissance.
Last Sunday the most widely studied scripture passage from the Old Testament was from Amos, Chapter 8.
Earlier this year Goldman Sachs updated and reaffirmed its loud recommendation to clients that a 0% gold allocation was the ideal for portfolios.
Below is a link to a 12-minute podcast done by a Catholic priest and Ascension Press that highlights how Christianity is unique from all other religions.
… What began as a trickle of concern became a tsunami of worry … a panic attack
We are so glad you are onboard and fasting together with us, because there is so much work to be done.
This month I had the chance to visit Ohio and had lunch with a brother Jay who lives in the Buckeye State.
Good morning to our fellow spiritual detectives who like us, are searching to better understand the mystery of God and then worship Him when we find Him.
We have always maintained that the rosary is a weapon, so we are intrigued that the recent article in the Atlantic demonstrates real concern about the power that we have in our little knotted ropes.
Despite our best efforts to slow down summer and prevent this fabulous time of the year from slipping into the record books once again, the reality is August is maturing quickly.
This Sunday I had the opportunity to worship with our Baptist brothers at Five Points Church while traveling through Alabama.
Do you realize that every day when we fast, we are exercising our humility muscle?
Last Friday after considerable effort and travel, the expansion strategy that our company had been pursuing ended in disappointment.
As we begin our fast today, unlocking power over evil with our little sacrifice, consider the most studied gospel verse in the world that the Spirit chose to highlight.
Forty years ago yesterday, the Queen of Peace gave her message dated July 21, 1982, to the children of Medjugorje.
So often, when we read the parables of Jesus, we can understand them intellectually, but the fact is, that very few of us in this modern culture
Some sin is more difficult to extract from one’s life. But one of the most egregious is easy.
As we reflect on 1H22 and where the financial markets have traveled, we believe there was an historical event that transcends the gold markets as well as significant action in the metals space.
Evil seems to be in such an intense fury stirring division, discouragement and animosity since June 24th and the supreme court announcement.
Paul's words were clear: Like it or not, every moment of every day we are in a spiritual battle.
Ahead of tomorrow’s feast day here are some thoughts from George Washington and our founders.
As the overturning of RVW begins to sink in, numerous insights are coming to light from believers as to the significance of the decision. Cynthia from Texas who fasts with us sent in the following
Thank you so much for your efforts to fast each week. Although in the thousands, we are just a tiny fragment of the believers who fast weekly for the restoration and renewal of America, land that we
Although the world desperately needs fasting, yesterday, today and tomorrow come together to arrange a triduum of feasts that do not grace these days of June every year.
Are you ready to fast? Does it make you smile, (just a little bit?) that today, the small effort that you make is going to wreak havoc among the spiritual forces of darkness?
Do not let evil deceive you into thinking you are alone -
A friend recently commented about a trait that he admires so much in his wife. He made the point that what she does is really an obligation for all of us as believers. I wanted to pass his perspecti
Thank you again to everyone who participated with us last week on our Esther Fast leading up to Pentecost Sunday. We believe the world has changed since your effort. Most people alive 2,000 years ago
"Always remember, markets take people out. That' s one of the glories of capitalism.” – Darla Moore
As we write this on Saturday from the Eastern seaboard, we have just three hours to go until we complete our Esther Fast. For some of you, you may have a few more hours, perhaps a day remaining to mak
We are now more than halfway to our goal of following in Esther’s legendary footsteps and recreating her biblical three day fast.
While praying during the 4th watch today, that period from 3:00 to 6:00 AM that scripture shows is the Holy Spirit's favorite time to talk to believers, we sensed gratitude on the part of heaven to al
Those of us devoted to fasting are familiar with many stories in the Bible in which fasting plays a pivotal role. We understand how fasting is often the key to gaining God’s favor. Fasting demonstrate
Thank you to all who fast with us each week, and to those of you who are joining us on this special fast through Pentecost next Sunday for our beloved America.
America, a great opportunity is at hand.
Recently one of the world’s most studied passages in this Easter season was from Acts, Chapter 13 when Paul was recounting the history of our faith. In verse 22, Paul quoted the Lord saying:
“Protect us from distress”, “Keep us safe from all anxiety”
When you pray, pray first for the Holy Spirit because when you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything
Following up on interest re our recent reminder that cited medical research showing notable physical benefits to fasting, I wanted to pass on another study.
These forty days from Easter until Ascension are such a mysterious time!
Scientists monitored the brain waves of the six individuals from Medjugorje who claim that Heaven is allowing them to glimpse into eternity.
Following up on our reminder from Wednesday’s fast we wanted to pass on another story of the miraculous.
It seems as though we are in a time reminiscent of the first Easter – When the Spirit simply could not be contained.
As subscribers know we have not written frequently in recent months as there has been less transpiring with markets on a version of QE autopilot.
Some of history’s greatest victories occurred with the most incidental of starts.
As the “lazy days of summer” roll by, investors are enjoying a stock market that is at all-time highs. Similarly the bond market has been trading at prices literally not seen since the 17th century
For the United States, since the nation's founding, gold and silver currency has all but set the stage for political war.
If you think bonds are a fortress of safety as most Americans still do, you may want to rethink that assumption
Investors are enjoying a stock market that is near all-time highs.
Your investment insights have gained you breathtaking wealth, and your successes surely will dwarf mine when our epitaphs are complete
Today many investors, particularly those in or nearing retirement feel compelled to own traditional fixed income investments
Gold for the Long Run
Gold Thoughts Ahead of the Fed...
"What are they doing? They are behaving like hooligans, switching on the printing press and tossing them around the whole world, forgetting their main obligations."
As we emerge from summer today, you are going to find this statement difficult to believe
Silver Demand Hit an all time high
All order up to $20,000 may be placed thru our website. For personalized assistance or to Place orders over $20,000 please contact our customer service team at 610.326.2000