Music: A Reflection of Divine Love

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"When you pray, pray first for the Holy Spirit because when you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything."        - Medjugorje April 4, 1985

"You have forgotten that through prayer and fasting you can avert wars and suspend the laws of nature."       - Medjugorje Dec. 2, 1982


Countless life after death and other supernatural experiences have included reports of indescribably beautiful music in heaven. There is reason to believe that satan‘s role as an angel before his rebellion against God was as heaven’s music director. One mystic claimed that satan was designed by God in such a way that whenever he moved, beautiful music exuded from his being.  Below, please find a reminder penned by our colleague Meagan, touching on the scientific research that music such as Gregorian chant can have in physical healing.


At the same time, while media mocks the idea that music such as rap and hard rock is harmful, the same research shows such music destroying life at the cellular level.  We thought you would be well served to be aware of this research.



Music has been called the universal language, a healer, and a reflection of the divine.  While the influential nature of music is widely acknowledged, current research provides us with a deeper understanding of its capabilities.


St. Hildegard, a Doctor of the Catholic Church, was remarkably ahead of her time (1098-1179) incorporating music within her healing ministry.  She insisted that each sister should master the use of natural substances and master playing musical instruments and singing for healing purposes.  She promoted the idea that certain types of sounds are healing while other types of noise hurt the body and soul.  Universities around the world are studying St. Hildegard’s compositions and their impact on human cells.  According to the Hildegard Society, “ For Hildegard, music rises almost to the level of a sacrament, channeling the perfection of divine grace from the heavenly choirs down to us, where we reflect the symphony on the blessed joy of song.  She sees an intimate connection between chanting the “Work of God (Opus Dei) as part of the monastic life according to the Rule of St. Benedict and the eternal yet dynamic “Work of God” creating, sustaining, and perfecting the world.  When the Word of God, by speaking (or singing?) which God created the world at the beginning of time, became a human being, fulfilling his eternal predestination, the world was set on its perfect course and the malicious plots of the Devil were brought to nothing.”


Scientific evidence underscores the profound impact of music on individuals as a therapeutic tool by reducing heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing cortisol levels in the body, effectively relieving anxiety and enhancing one’s mood.


A 2016 study, as documented in the National Library of Medicine, concluded that the mechanisms of cell death or growth inhibition induced by sound, including music, are similar for both auditory and non-auditory cells (Source:


Thank you for fasting with us tomorrow - you will be glad you made the effort for all of eternity...

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Why We Fast – Our Core Fasting Intentions

1) We add the new fasting intention of taking back the church from evil. We submit the three-step process to achieve this victory is 1-Repent, 2-Prayer & Fasting and, 3-Imitate our Savior by throwing the evil leadership from the church. We will seek to emulate the Savior in our effort to End The USCCB, an organization that has been devastating to the church.  (“You shall know the spirit by the fruits” - Matt. 7:16)

2) For the Holy Spirit to reign down upon America, renewing our land as the Christian, capitalist meritocracy we were founded to be.

3) For the protection of our police, firefighters, military and their families from harm and that the Lord bless their courageous generosity on our behalf.

4) For the protection of the families who fast with us, and for God’s blessings of abundance upon them and that true to His word, we will be able to witness that He prospered us in famine.

Would you like to learn more about fasting?

We maintain a repository of ideas and information we have learned over the last decade while fasting weekly for America. From scientific studies on the benefits of fasting, to the differences between intermittent dieting vs intermittent fasting, to scriptural references regarding the power of fasting to the history of first century Christians who stated believers are obligated to fast weekly, we hope you will find numerous insights with our free resource located here.

Together let us also implore Heaven while fasting for intentions you have highlighted:

4) For all patriots who put themselves on the front lines in combatting evil and for all of the warriors who are stepping up around the nation to fight for the gospel – May The Father cover them in the blood of our savior,  protect them and their families from evil and bring victory to their endeavors.

5) For priests, ministers and all who aspire to lead others to the Lord, that the Holy Spirit will reign down upon them as at Pentecost filling them to overflowing. 

6) For the Americans jailed after January 6th who were admitted to the Capitol building by the police, and who were not found to have destroyed any property at the capitol yet who have been held captive ever since on our own soil - That God's Spirit will move quickly to bring justice back to this land and free them.

Who We Are
St. Joseph Partners is a for-profit business that has funded Fast for America for over ten years. To the extent you support our work to renew America and if you understand why gold and silver protect believers' wealth in this world, please consider us or recommend us when you or someone you know buys or sells gold and silver. From our website you can buy and sell dozens of types of precious metals. We close on Sundays to honor the Sabbath. Click here for a link where you can view a brief video about our firm and a brief video about why all investors and families should have some gold and silver in their portfolios.

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