The Moment You Stand Before His Throne

“If you … witness courageously, the truth will miraculously win.” – Medjugorje June 2, 2015

"When you pray, pray first for the Holy Spirit because when you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything."        - 
Medjugorje April 4, 1985


The most studied New Testament passage throughout the world today was from 2 Corinthians 9, and began with verse six:


The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

“ the point is this”… be generous with your efforts, on behalf of the Lord.


Sometimes it can seem like events in life may be dragging on, but then something happens, and it awakens us to the reality - Time is flying by.


 As we think back over our life, it does seem like the blink of an eye doesn’t it? Blink again, and we will be standing before His judgment thrown.


What is our plan before His throne? 


We may not have thought about having a plan before His throne … but ahead of that moment, have we tried to repent? 


Really tried? 


Or is our plan to stand on the “all grace is mine” perspective that says all sins are forgiven through the blood of Jesus and no one could have repented their way into heaven without the death of the Christ?


This is wonderful and true … but do we want to be presumptive … and expect God to say none of those sins that we never repented from mattered? 


Or would it be better to prepare in a more humble matter and to instead work from the perspective that James 2:10 is indeed worthy of reflection: 


For whosoever shall keep the whole Law, and yet faileth in one point, he is guilty of all.


Recall, how unimpressed Jesus was with the Pharisee who stood on the law, tithed and fasted twice a week, both minimums of the law. 


Technically the pharisee was righteous in his obedience, but his negotiation with the Lord did not go well.


…Or do we want to take the opposite approach, and be like the poor sinner, conscious of his unworthiness?


Perhaps equally important as we stand before his throne, what will we be able to say that we did with generosity for the kingdom per Corinthians today?


How many will be able to say they fasted twice a week when today virtually no churches say such a cadence is required? Or is their plan to go before the throne of God and say there was nowhere in scriptures as organized by Martin Luther that obligated me to fast twice weekly … So Lord, I stand on that as a reason why I did not fast like John’s apostles fasted… twice weekly.


Perhaps would a better plan be to go before the throne of the Lord like the poor woman who had only two pennies, and say to the Lord:


Lord, my fast was such a tiny sacrifice. It was nothing compared to your sacrifice on the cross for me.  But with a joyful heart I fasted two days a week, even if I was not obligated to do so knowing that your words were explicit: Fasting is required to overcome evil, and overcoming evil is necessary to bring about your kingdom. Father let my two days fast be like those two coins the woman gave to you – trivial, but done with love and joy.


Make no mistake - when we fast for America each week, in addition to the cultural and economic renewal of the nation, we are fasting for the spiritual renewal of this great land. That King Jesus will reign again.


Believers, in the blink of an eye we will be before his throne… You will be very happy you made the effort to fast twice each week for all of eternity out of generosity.


And then, after our tiny fast tomorrow, savor this wonderful August weekend.


Go out and do something you’ve been putting off so far this summer that you love – whether a walk in nature, a trip to the sea, an unannounced visit to a loved one bringing them a treat to share together, or playing a silly fun game with someone dear to you. 


These are wonderful days the Lord gives us. Thanks be to King Jesus.

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Why We Fast – Our Core Fasting Intentions

1) We add the new fasting intention of taking back the church from evil. We submit the three-step process to achieve this victory is 1-Repent, 2-Prayer & Fasting and, 3-Imitate our Savior by throwing the evil leadership from the church. We will seek to emulate the Savior in our effort to End The USCCB, an organization that has been devastating to the church.  (“You shall know the spirit by the fruits” - Matt. 7:16)

2) For the Holy Spirit to reign down upon America, renewing our land as the Christian, capitalist meritocracy we were founded to be.

3) For the protection of our police, firefighters, military and their families from harm and that the Lord bless their courageous generosity on our behalf.

4) For the protection of the families who fast with us, and for God’s blessings of abundance upon them and that true to His word, we will be able to witness that He prospered us in famine.

Would you like to learn more about fasting?

We maintain a repository of ideas and information we have learned over the last decade while fasting weekly for America. From scientific studies on the benefits of fasting, to the differences between intermittent dieting vs intermittent fasting, to scriptural references regarding the power of fasting to the history of first century Christians who stated believers are obligated to fast weekly, we hope you will find numerous insights with our free resource located here.

Together let us also implore Heaven while fasting for intentions you have highlighted:

4) For all patriots who put themselves on the front lines in combatting evil and for all of the warriors who are stepping up around the nation to fight for the gospel – May The Father cover them in the blood of our savior,  protect them and their families from evil and bring victory to their endeavors.

5) For priests, ministers and all who aspire to lead others to the Lord, that the Holy Spirit will reign down upon them as at Pentecost filling them to overflowing. 

6) For the Americans jailed after January 6th who were admitted to the Capitol building by the police, and who were not found to have destroyed any property at the capitol yet who have been held captive ever since on our own soil - That God's Spirit will move quickly to bring justice back to this land and free them.

Who We Are

St. Joseph Partners is a for-profit business that has funded Fast for America for over ten years. To the extent you support our work to renew America and if you understand why gold and silver protect believers' wealth in this world, please consider us or recommend us when you or someone you know buys or sells gold and silver. From our website you can buy and sell dozens of types of precious metals. We close on Sundays to honor the Sabbath. Click here for a link where you can view a brief video about our firm and a brief video about why all investors and families should have some gold and silver in their portfolios.

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