We Had So Many Problems Getting This Word Out – It Must Be Important

"In prayer you shall perceive ... the way out of every situation that has no exit." 
Medjugorje March 28, 1985

"Do novenas of fasting and renunciation so that satan be far from you and grace be around you"                                                                                                             -  Medjugorje July 25, 2005


Some sin is more difficult to extract from one’s life. But one of the most egregious is easy.


For example, if you work for an employer who wants you to work on the Sabbath you want to pray for the courage to tell him that you have come to understand that working on the sabbath, a violation of the the third commandment, ranks worse than murder in God’s eyes, the only vantage that matters. Because the Lord is your God and money is not your god, you need to honor and serve Him.  Some may fire you for this, which if it happens trust the Lord has something better in store for you. Other employers may be touched by your witness even if they don’t admit it.  Today the most studied gospel passage in the world included the words: from Matthew 5:


19 Whoever then relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who does them and teaches them shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.


Jesus told Conchita Cabrera de Armida that each sin offends the Father so greatly that Jesus would rather go through Good Friday again than see the Father offended one more time.



Are you kidding me?

Jesus, You can’t mean that!

We think you too will conclude He means it.




Doesn’t that put our “little” sins in a new light.


So today let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help resolve to offend God less, to remove the scales from our eyes that blind us to our sins and give us the desire to amputate these sins from our lives.


There is one sin that is also more offensive than murder and it is so easy to root out of our lives – The 2nd commandment insists that we never take the Lord’s name in vain.


It is ridiculous that satan has had such success in taking the name of Jesus in vain so that it is not even noticed when “Jesus” is used disrespectfully in movies, TV, and casual conversation.


So today, again let’s ask the Holy Spirit to help us resolve never to take the name of the Lord in vain again.


The name of the Lord is so special it is beyond our comprehension.


All of Heaven held its breath, waiting with intent beyond human capacity until the name of the Lord was declared.


Then the name of the Lord was released – and with it, power that makes evil tremble and flee.


Think about the simplicity of this from Psalm 124: 8


Our help is in the name of the Lord.


Let us take that verse literally in life.  All we have to do is say the words out loud


“Praised be Jesus!” … and heaven is engaged in helping you.


Indeed, the name of Jesus is so powerful and so helpful to Christians that satan has named it as the only word more politically incorrect (unless it is being cursed of course) than the word nigger.


Think about how the name Jesus has been systematically extracted from every element of society.


So now think about the turn we are on the brink of: Eliminating taking the Lord’s name in vain from our lives, a sin heaven says is worse than murder, and at the same moment calling upon the name of the Lord – This transports us into a state of power in the spiritual battle such that most evil will recoil.


Before wrapping up with a prayer, allow us to suggest one closing idea to this piece. We have all sinned greatly and most of us taken the name of the Lord in vain. (I know I have I am embarrassed to admit). What would be an act we can offer God in reparation for our sins and the sins of the world that so offend Him and would bring Him such joy? How about if when we hear someone take the name of Jesus in vain, we resolve to muster up the courage and say something like:


I used to curse like you did and I didn’t know that the bible says cursing the name of Jesus is more offensive to God than murder. You probably didn’t know, so don’t worry about having done so, but just resolve not to do it again, and share that understanding with those you love who want God’s blessing in their lives.  Heaven will remember every time you do so …for all of eternity.


Who’s going to tell the most people this year? Heaven’s contest in this regard offers an ocean front mansion with your own golf course that looks like Lahinch or Pebble Beach as the winning prize!


Let’s pray for a moment together:


Heavenly Father, we praise your great name – Abba, Father, Yahweh, Jesus, Yashua, Holy Spirit, Ruach …


Thank you for all you do for us and thank you for this exciting moment as Your Spirit awakens America and leads us back to You, leads us to be the nation we were founded to be. Thank you for the victories You are pouring out upon our land that the media tries to hide from our eyes and steal from our hearts. Thank you for the victories You are placing in our lives as we place You first. Father, we ask You to pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us and fill us to overflowing with all of Your good blessings and gifts. As your servant Joseph Prince said: We follow Jesus, and the blessings follow us!


Father give us resolve never to take Your name in vain again and grant us the courage to witness to others and open their eyes to the magnitude of taking Your holy name in vain. Father let our words land with those we witness to and be seeds that birth changed lives, incredible faith and good works surpassing our hopes or understanding. Father, we know this repentance will bring great joy to You in Heaven. We look forward to seeing You smile upon us and savoring the presence of You, the Lord who created the entire universe and who loves us with crazy love.


Father this very day continue smashing, burning and destroying evil in our nation. Wreck and destroy every facet of the lives and actions of those who would foster violence in our cities and nation, who would commit acts of treason, who oppress Your followers, who align with evil – let the world see your wrath reign down upon them as it saw in Sodom & Gomorrah.


Thank you also Lord for pouring Your blessings upon us in every area of our lives – in the mighty name of Jesus we pray!


… Have a wonderful weekend – Savor these summer days and the glory of resting on the sabbath. In parting here is a link to some praise songs you may enjoy listening to this weekend that glorify the name of the Lord and call down heaven’s blessings upon you.


Your Great Name


I Speak Jesus


What A Beautiful Name


Thank you for fasting with us today – You will be glad you made the effort for all of eternity.
